Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gingerbread houses are so much fun...........

Josclyn and Me with are finished gingerbread house.

Our house again from the front. We build excellent houses if you ask me

Theral, Keagon, and Josclyn in front of Therals and Kegans house.

The long waited and anticiapted picture of our Tree.

So here is the story behind the gingerbread houses. I called to talk to my sister Jerusha, and my niece Jocslyn want to talk to me. I asked her if she was going to make a gingerbread house. And she told me that she didn’t know. So a few day later I was calling my sister again and my nephew answered her phone. I talked to Kegan for a few minutes and then Jocslyn got on the phone. She asked my in the cutest of voice if “I would make a gingerbread house with her.” I couldn’t say no and let her down.

On Tuesday, I had a meeting in Salt Lake with the Colorado River Salinity Science Team. After that, Theral (who had taken the day off from work) and I meet up with my sister and my mother and father. We saw my Kegan’s kindergarten Christmas Program got some food and then head over to the Foshee house to build some gingerbread houses.

The night before I had bought candy to put on the gingerbread houses. I bought two gingerbread kits because they were marked down and it made it cheaper to build them. On the plus side I didn’t have to make icing which is always a mess.

So Theral and I put them together by melting sugar to have it act as the glue. And then we all got busy decorating them. The best part was Jocslyn tried to eat as much candy as she could. She got out a little cup and kept filling it with different candy and her mouth was always full with candy. It was great. Theral helped Kegan. Theral did point out at the end that Kegan made all the decision as to were the candy should go. I basically did mine and Jocslyn. They both turned out really good. It was a lot of fun to do that with them.

So my sister called my today to tell me that she had gotten my Christmas card which she liked and that the candy keeps disappearing from the gingerbread houses. I never eat the candy off them but apparently Jocslyn and Kegan keep getting snacks from them. I thought that was great. Kids get way wound up at Christmas which is fun to see.

So my new goal from today until Christmas is to get way wound up. Theral might not like it but I’m good for life.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Holidays keep you busy............ Sometimes with stuff that doesn't require any brain cells

For the Last two weeks are life has been very eventful, full of activity. So this is a quick summary of what has been going on if our lives since the last post.

Super busy getting things done for Christmas such as shopping, wrapping presents, decorating, cleaning, cooking, and getting Christmas cards ready to send. You may not get a card for the whole month to look at and cherish but I hope that you get humor out of it when you read it. I do a top ten list and people are starting to do the same thing. I think it is great. Copying is truly one of the best ways to falter someone.

So some nights it is wrapping presents, which I’m not very good at. I try but it is sad to look at some of them. So if you get a present from us and it doesn’t look very good, just realize that it was wrapped with love. Remember love.

We got a real Christmas tree. We managed to decorate and put it up with out getting into little fights. Theral vision of it was nice and it turned out good. All the ornaments that I bought for the Christmas mobile (that failed miserable last year) mixed and match perfectly. So this year all we needed were light and some garland. I was going to take a picture of the tree and put it on the blog. Guess what, that hasn’t happen yet. That is some of the reason that I have not posted in a while. The same day we got the tree I did pull out all my sand dollars that I found while in Washington and clean them. We went to see the movie ‘Enchanted’. I thought it was cute.

We got some more meat from my parents. My new goal is to use it. So I look through the cook books and find things that I would like to make. So far everything has turned out good. They're things that I would make again. I am trying to use the food in the deep freeze. It is amazing how it can turn into a black hole and suck stuff in and you don’t realize it. Then the next thing you know is that you have 3 hams and tons of ground beef to use.

I skied for the first time this year last Saturday while Theral did fix it projects at the house. It was great. We need more snow. So pray for snow. This is coming from the avid skier and water resource person.

I feel like I am adjusting to winter better this year then last year. I’m warmer. I do have a few theories on this. I don’t want to take the time to write them out and explain them. I don’t want to get stuck in inversion land. This might happen. In Logan we already have the hazy look happening.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hello Snow!!!

Ok…… Nothing really happened last week. I finished the Oman Family Calendar. I did have to call me sister Annicka a few times to get her photos. She had some really funny ones of her kids. I got to look through photos from everyone in the family. I did get to put a photo of each person on it for their birthdays. I went with humor shots for those ones. Some of my family might be mad at me but I don’t care. I will get entertainment from looking at them.
We went to Snowbasin on Saturday to get my human resources information filled out. Got everything taken care of. We then went to Costco and got a few items. Theral did make me laugh. Apparently I just buy what I want so he is having a hard time getting me something that would surprise me for Christmas. I think it is cute.
We stop by Loveina’s because it snowed and I needed a picture of Theral and me to finish off a gift. All I will say is that Sean was in fine form. Big old bum……. If you ask me. People should really think about what is appropriate behavior. I tap into my crazy sometimes but some behavior can not be explained as crazy. Moving on…..
Dose anyone have any good books to recommend me? The writers strike is going to leave a few evening open. No comedy Thursday or Heroes Monday. So I think that I will get a few new hobbies, read more books, and play games that will drive Theral insane.
On my friends blog she made a list of what she was thankful for. It was really sweet and cute. So I’m going to copy her and list a few things that I’m thankful for. In no order of importance:
Puffy Coat
Ski’s (And all the ski’s that I might one day own)
My Mom and Dad
My Job
My body
Honey Buns
Nalgene Bottles (I’m saving the planet, no water bottles in the land fills for me)
And a lot more……………..