Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So I guess I should try and take some pictures…………….

Funniest thing about are weekend was our niece Mari Sol asking me, “Why is Uncle Bubbles hair so long?” To which I replied, “It is really curly and sexy and I like it a little long.” Then she told me that his hair is as long as hers which it is not but it could be if her hair got cut.

Our weekend was really good. Saturday I worked at Snowbasin. When we were rolling in Theral tells me that he forgot his ski poles and thus mine too. I head to the employee storage room to grab a loner pair for the day. Unbeknown to me, Theral drove all the way back to Logan and got the poles. He tried to find a sub for are Primary class and couldn’t. He tried to call the President and the numbers was not in service, stopped by the house and guess what no one was home. So he drove back to Snowbasin. Normally forgetting the ski poles would not have been a big deal but we were heading down to Brian Head for the rest of the weekend to spend it with my family.

So I turn on my phone and I have an urgent message from my nephew McQuade asking me where we were. I then called him and explained where we were and gave a time estimation for are arrival. As we were making the last little bit of the drive Theral informs me that he had driven that day what would have been the equivalent of driving from Logan to Las Vegas. I’m glad that I have a trucker for a husband.

Sunday, we skied Brian Head. The view from the top of the one lift might be the best view in the state in my opinion. The resort has some great green and blue terrain for beginners. The terrain was a bit of a let down for the advanced side coming from Snowbasin. But if you need to ski with a family the terrain was great. Theral and I raced in the race course three times. And of course I won. He is a little bit worked up about that. I’m skiing faster them him and he is having some “Skills deficit syndrome” jealousy.

We stayed at my sister’s cabin. It is really nice. We got the room down in the basement which was great. We didn’t have to share a bathroom. My niece Jocelyn and Jacee slept in our room with us. I had a shadow this whole weekend and it was Jocelyn. It like we had an umbilical cord.

On the drive home, we stopped at Swen and Stephanie’s so Theral could help Swen with his bike. Mari, Andalyn, and Callie were my best friends all over. Little girls loved me this weekend. I must have a touch.

So yesterday we got back to the grindstone. Theral worked on homework last night. Clint stayed the night and fell asleep on the couch. It was very non eventful evening.

Before I forget. I got a haircut last week and I hate it. I going to have to go in to someone else and have them do some damage control. I even went to someone that a friend highly recommended. It is not a bad cut but way to many layers in the back. I didn't get what I wanted. I hate getting upset by really bad hair cuts.

Friday, January 18, 2008

I came home from work.............

So Theral came home from school and his hair was like the Mexican flag. For those who don't know, Theral dyed the goatee and then colored his hair with Halloween paint for school right before Christmas for an assembly. He then got a snow day so the students didn’t get to see him. Theral trimmed the goatee but they got to him this week and made his hair look like the Mexican flag. So I'm going to post some pictures from the different looks. His goatee after he trimmed it looked like a leopard. Notice how curly his hair looks in the Mexican flag ones.

P.S. No he is not having an identity crisis as some people have speculated. He is merely being supportive of his students an having fun with it.

On Christmas Day. It looked better.

Mexican Flag Hair.

Look how curly his hair really is.

The goatee with blond tips.

Back of the clown hair/Christmas colors on drugs look.

I think that the picture tells the story its self.

Monday, January 14, 2008

This pasted week,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Some times life feels like that.

So I told you all about the weekend. So Theral is taking classes and working. I’m working and USU and it is Ski seasons and so to have ski benefits, I’m working at Snowbasin. In my eyes I am selling my soul, which might not happen next year. Time management is going to come into play big for us over the next few weeks.

The house needs to be cleaned and it has been on the “to do list” since the New Year and it hasn’t happened yet. Just cooking and doing the dishes sometimes takes up the evenings. I will be the first to admit that we could be more productive but both of us need down time such as watching movies, reading books, and surfing the internet looking up stuff.

I’m trying to get rid of the meat in my deep freezer. We have hamburger twice a week. I’m trying really hard to feed us from the stuff that we have. So if you have any good hamburger recipes send them my way. My favorite has been a chili skillet that I tried.

I’m getting some beef from a friend because he raises his own. It’s going to be good meat. So I’m trying to get rid of the old meat so I can enjoy the new meat.

So last week was not really eventful. We had a family dinner in Orem at Swen and Stephanie’s house. We made a black bean soup with sausage for the dinner part and desert I made a chocolate cake and cranberry jumbles. The cranberry jumbles turned out really good. The cake could have been better. But in trying new recipes I realize that not all of them turn out great. We stayed until 1:30 am in the morning. We then drove back to Logan. I tried to sleep but late at night I kept thinking that we were going to die and so my eyes keep coming open. It didn’t help that Theral hit the rumble strips a few times. I was tried from the previous three days where I didn’t get enough sleep. So yesterday I slept a ton. I’m not going to admit to the amount of time that I spent in naps and sleep because it was all worth it. I feel so much better today.

I can tell when I need sleep because the brain is not working right.

I feel really loved today. I have had calls from two sisters and my friend Tammie. So popular.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A graduate student ………….

The weekend
I went to work at Snowbasin on Saturday. Worst drive of my life getting there. It is amazing how many people drive badly in poor roads just because they don’t have patience. Me and the Sentra about got mowed over a few times. The snow was awesome and so worth being up skiing. But the drive home was fine and the road were plowed. Theral did not come with me. If he had I probably would have had a less stressful morning. Theral was staying home to represent us at a baptism. What a good little boy that he is.

I thought that he would have all the house cleaning done. (He told me earlier in the week that he would.) But I got home and he was looking really cute and told me all about flying his kites. How could a wife be mad about that?

Sunday we had church @ 9:00. Theral didn’t wake me up and so we missed sacrament meeting. Tag teamed the primary gig and home we came. I do want to point out that I have some issues with the primary and I need to talk to the Presidency about.

Monday came. Theral went to his first graduate class. I should have gotten pictures because I was so proud of my little boy. Three nights a week he is going to be gone taking classes. I think that it is great what he is doing.

Snow keeps falling in Logan. It is a magical time of year with snow and bad roads. I check the snowpack and the Bear River basin is slightly below normal. I hope that we get more snow so my flushing event this spring time can be long.

Friday, January 4, 2008

A cat named Simba

My friend Monica told me about this crazy cat that destroyed the picture that I sent out for Christmas. Below is the account via her mothers blog.

And who is this cat they were playing with? Simba! The Hawkins’ cat! I think she’s supposed to be Bevan’s cat, but they can’t have her at the cabin, and Lloyd and Beverly have gone away for three weeks, so she’s here. She’s an African cat, and she loves to purr, talk to people, and lick their faces. And she’s obsessed with Lizzette. No kidding–we received a Christmas letter from Lizzette and Theral, with a picture of both of them, and Simba went crazy over the picture. She did starfish paws on Lizzette’s face, and licked it, and sat on the photo. Then she chewed the edges. When I put the picture on the counter, Simba jumped up and got it again. Maybe Lizzette reminds her of Trisha, Bevan’s sister, who brought her home from Africa. Who knows.

I think that is pretty funny. A cat that I have never meet that loves me to death. Maybe Theral will let me have it. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the people that read the blog.

So I’m posting to my blog. I should have posted over the holiday period but I didn’t so deal with it. If you are mad at me I’m sorry and get over it. I’m going to post and hopefully put some of my thoughts down about how the last 10 days have been for Theral and I. A side note: I love how spell check doesn’t recognize Theral or Lizzette and the words that they think we are spelling are priceless.

First things First. I love Theral with all of my heart. He is a wonderful man and best friend. I can’t imagine having anyone else. At times I realize that are relationship is very juvenile (Sometimes it is him and sometimes it is me) but we laugh enjoy each other and support each other. We can agree to disagree. We enjoy doing the same things. I am so blessed to have him.

So for Christmas we went to St. George to spend it with Theral’s parents and sister Larisa’s family. From this experience I really don’t want to spend it with them again. Maybe I’m being overly sensitive but I definitely got an unwelcome vibe, such as that we were intruding upon space and resources. I didn’t feel very welcomed. I’m used to feeling that when I’m their but I didn’t expect it to be as bad as it was.

I made a point to call all me sisters and parents on Christmas and wish them a merry day. Calling them made me feel better and that I was loved and wanted. We went over to my sister Mariah and Jerry’s house. The best time in St. George was absolutely visiting with them. Jerry is a good time and Mariah let me eat her homemade candy that she had made. What is better then that. I love homemade candy because it is a taste of Christmas for me.

When we got back from St. George we opened the Presents that we had left. It was so much fun and from that experience Theral and I might be spending the rest of our Christmases just the two of us. It was fun because we just had the Christmas tree lights on and snuggled on the couch while presents were being opened.

We went to his niece Laurens wedding on Saturday. We didn’t have a present ready so we dropped in off on New Years Eve. The wedding was a very nice affair. Talk with Stephanie who is one of my favorites.

For New Years Eve we went to Swen and Stephanie’s house. In my eyes New Years is about eating a lot of crap and playing games. This years I made it past mid-night. Last year I fell asleep at around 10:30. We skied for New Years. It was fun. So today we are both back at work. Having a long break makes me not want to come back to work.

I'm going to talk about resolutions later.