Monday, September 24, 2007

A quick and dirty account

So this past weekend was full of social engagements. Friday night we went to Riverdale hot springs resort with my friend Tammie and her family. It is north of Preston. She got pulled over in Preston for having a head light out. She didn’t get a ticket but the cop wanted to know how she liked her Honda Pilot.

Saturday I had a work part. We went to the Celebration center here in Logan to have some extreme go-carting competitions. I wasn’t the worst driver but I wasn’t the best. Theral did get into a few tight pinches here and there. We had fun. Later that evening we went over to one of my bosses houses and had a barbeque. He made some fish Tacos that were so good. He let me take the leftovers home. Score!!. Theral spent the evening talking to another teachers and I was educated in how my boss makes his homemade beer. It sounds really easy. Every person who has had his beer says it is extremely good. He is getting comparisons to European beer which is good.

Sunday we had the monthly Mikesell family diner at his sister Loveina’s house. Nothing too exciting happened. Lot’s of kids running around. I did get to see Swen and Stephanie’s latest addition to the family. Theral did pick out 36 ears of corn for people to eat. I still have half that amount that we get to eat (I think that he went overboard but I’m not going to say anything.) They did make comments about his hair.

Today at work has been the same. I’m getting ready for a meeting tomorrow and next week that I have. It will be what I work on for the next 6 to 8 months. Yippee.

I have been burning cd’s to work out to. I need to buy like fifty more dollars in Itunes music and wow life would be cool. Maybe I will do that come the first of October after I get paid.

The picture is just shot of my newphew Keagan, looking like a little kid.

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