Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Ok, this post is going to have the lastest and an update as to what happened in May.

But I just going to rant for a minute. How do you feel about telemarketers calling your cell phone? Personally I find it unbearable.

So over the last month Theral and I have been getting calls two numbers that are almost identical. We avoided the phone calls because we understood what they were. Yesterday, to get them to stop calling me I answered the phone. I think the thing that was the biggest surprise for me is that my sister gave my number out to people so that she could get some coupons. I listened to the spill and the more I learned about the so called dinner club the more mad I became about my cell number being given to a telemarketer. I think the thing the mad me the most mad is that my sister did it so she could get some two for one dinning deal. I think that act was extremely inconsiderate.

I would never give out family cell numbers just so I could get some two for one eating deal. I guess I have better cell etiquette then she dose.

So I called her up and told her not to give my cell phone out. I have a house number for the sort of thing. This sister is just racking up the points in my book. This same sister instigated a family feud as well. That is a long and a complicated story which leads to the fact that I’m not really trying to have a relationship with that sister and I have mother issues. Which by the way that I think are justified and which I have talked to people about. I need to work through these issues with my mother to determine what kind of relationship we are going to have in the future. For a solution to happen blame can’t happen and both parties need to work towards a mutual resolution.

On a side note, Theral got his bike almost put back together. On well, maybe tomorrow.

What happened to the Month of May

I didn’t tell you anything that happened. We put in on Desolation Canyon at the end of the month and the week before I was worked up about my flushing experiment on First Dam and getting ready for the river trip.

Trip was good. We had some great camp spots. I would like to take the lower part of the canyon slower and spend more time hiking and seeing things. My favorite things is seeing the sun come up on the canyon. It is truly a magical experience.

I got to fly from Green River to the put in. WOW!!!! It was fantastic. I got to see the canyon from a whole other view. We flew under some rain clouds and the rocks were so vibrant. I have photos that I will post but they are not going to even compare to the images in my head.

I have video of opening the lower level outlet on First Dam. So cool! Hydraulics in civil engineering are fantastic to see. I remember the first time that I saw a hydraulic jump in the field. I was so proud that I recognized it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to the telemarketing crap. I think they finally gave up on me answering. Hope the free dinner was worth it.
Sounds like the Desolation trip was fun. Need more pictures!