Monday, November 5, 2007

Catching up.....

Sorry have not posted in a while. Only excuses are that I’m lazy and that I forgot to do it. So I have not posted since the 12th of October. We didn’t do anything really fun that weekend or I can’t remember. I need write down what is going on in our life as it happens not as an after thought.
We did go to St. George in October. It was nice to see my two of my sisters family and Theral’s Uncle and Aunt. We really didn’t do anything beside visit and hit a few stores. I needed to get out of Logan because the weather was going to be bad and I wanted a nice sunny place. Unfortunately we did have a head wind all the way down and back. We did fly the kite in SG and I thought because of a few gust that we were going to lost it or that it was not very good for it to be up in it. Theral’s B-day is coming up and he needs to decide what he wants because it could end up with a bigger kite or some crappy thing. He needs to make up his mind, the second are tick until he turns 31.
I did get sick from this trip with a cold. It is still lingering but I’m not taking cold medication like five times a day so I think I might be on the tail end of it. But it might also be a sinus infection that I need meds for because it is the second cold for the month of October for me.
Theral was a proctor for the ACT in Preston and earned some money so that he can by himself a ski helmet. On a side note we did by some new skis for us. And when we stop by my sister Jerusha house we got my bother-in-law Rob to by some too. It is fun to see people by things that I think they will have fun with.
I stayed home on Halloween and handed out Trick-or-treat candy. Theral was a chaperon for a movie they were going to be showing at the high school. Little kids are so much fun to hand candy out to. I really enjoy giving out candy. It makes me happy. I was giving out two pieces of candy to all the kids. I did run out and that was my goal. I didn’t buy candy until the night before so I would not be tempted to eat it. I did have a dental appointment on Halloween. I get to go back in this week and have a small filling fixed. I have a lot of watches for cavity development on my left side of my mouth. Apparently I don’t brush as good on the left side because I’m left handed and my wrist dexterity doesn’t like to flex that way.
This past Saturday, I ran a 10k and Theral did a 5k. My neighbor need some people to do it with, so we signed on. We both have matching shirts from the event (that is why we did the run for the shirts of course).
We don’t know were we are going for Thanksgiving. I thought a cruise might be fun or going to Death Valley. My sister called me last week and put the heat on to go to her house so that my family could take family photos. She made me feel guilty that I didn’t want to spend the holiday with family. I do have issue with my family and Theral’s family ~ maybe years of therapy will help me solve these unresolved feelings that I have. She was definitely in a testy moody. My friend Tammie did invite us to her house. Theral sister called to ask what are plans were because she is trying to get the Mikesell monthly dinner to be Thanksgiving. So far I think that my sister is going to win. Man can they lay on the guilt. That is what they are really good at. So no fun cool vacations for us for the week of Thanksgiving. I do have vacation days that I need to use. I did ask Theral yesterday what we were going to do for Thanksgiving and his reply was that we have three weeks to deal with it. But what he doesn’t realize is that the guilt is going to get me.
I did by some small cake pans. I have decided when I want cake, I’m going to make enough for four people not twenty. I didn’t realize how long this was getting. Ok in the next post I will address another thing in my list.
The photo is from our trip to Washington.

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