Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This is the most exiting post ever........ maybe

It is a miracle. Theral didn’t get pulled over by a cop last Saturday. I did ask him if I needed to drive to break the hoax. He said no and keep driving.

School is keeping Theral busy. He had a few papers that he needed to do last week. I on the other hand had a test. It really got my heart rate pumping. But I’m ok and it went well. I do have homework that is due Friday and Monday. I think that I’m going to have a go at it tonight. And Friday I have a pampered chef party at a friends house. So a few things are going on.

First, the garage door opener had a big boom and is not working. Theral worked on it and we need a new part. He has yet to order it. I might need to do that because as we were discussing options he asked how soon I would like it fixed. I said a twenty dollar part is better then buying a new one opener. So I can wait. I hope that this doesn’t turn into a 6 months venture. I’m already getting sick of opening the garage door.

We put permits into some rivers and guess what………….Neither one of us got a date. So I’m thinking we might hit the Middle Fork a few days before permits season starts. Snowpack for the basin is looking lean, very similar to last year. On the upside is that the Main Salmon looks like it is going to get hard and heavy. So we might not be able to hit that one until flows lower which means that we need to call and get a cancellation. So if you would like to come, keep the calendar flexible. If we do the Middle Fork when I’m thinking we will do it, would be the last week of May, as soon as Theral gets done with school. If I get a permit I will post and let the bidding begin. Who wouldn’t want to spend a week on the river with Theral and me….. We are fun, I promise.

We are also looking at buying a smaller raft. The raft we have is 16 ft long. The raft we are looking at is 14’ long and comes with a trailer. The trailer might be a problem for storage but we have come up with some practical and some very impractical locations for storage. It is smaller, which means that I should be able to man handle it. If not, I guess I will have to start doing more push ups to build the ultimate upper body strength.

My boss is in Washington, DC this week. He is back for two weeks. (Part of one he is in St. George) Then he jets again to West Bank and Gaza strip for two and a half weeks before he will get back in April. Work is going ok, getting a little worried that he is going to be gone again. I need to get some meetings set up and get some things figured out. I guess I get to do them on my own.

I’m staring to watch LOST. I got season one disc one from the video store and I’m going to get caught up. I figure that it is going to take me a few months if I watch one disc per week but by the time the nest season comes out I should be caught up. This is an in genius plan it you ask me.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The cops love Theral…………..

What do I mean by the statement above? Theral rolled into another ticket Saturday night. Apparently he didn’t stop long enough at a stop sign. The cop was lurking in a parking lot to stay inconspicuous. And then the lights came on. I did not realize what had happened until Sunday morning when I see the ticket on the kitchen counter. I fell asleep like a rock on the couch at around 9:30 and did move until the next morning. Theral tried to get me to come to bed but apparently I told him, “No, not yet.” All I remember is the no part.

I think that the cops in Logan are watching the area where we live a lot more. The intersection that he got the ticket at we have seen numerous people blow through it. So we just need to drive really good in the neighbor hood. On a side note, I think that Theral is going to fight the ticket. Two reasons, one Theral really did thought that he had stopped, and two His friend who is a part time police cop said that running a stop sign are the hardest tickets to prove. To quote my father, “Do you have any idea what this is going to do to my insurance?”

Moving on to other things. Theral got a snow day on Thursday. This means he didn’t have to go to work. He spent Valentines day doing what ever I wanted him to do………. He is a sweet heart.

Theral’s new ski boots showed up Thursday as well. His feet got a little numb skiing in them on Saturday. So we are trying to determine if we need to take them in after he wears them a little to get a better fit to his foot for him. I need new boots but that will be next year.

So I need to talk about ageing. The other day I had my hair pulled up into a bun. I thought it looked really cute. During a potty break at work I looked into the one mirror. Low and behold I saw a site that put the fear of god in me. A family of gray hair on my right temple.

To really understand why I might be worried about this you need to understand a few things about my genetics. My Grandma Fisher is in her 70’s and doses not dye her hair. She has gray hair but the color blends it in together really well. Theral didn't realize it was natural until I told him. My mother’s brother Darr was gray by twenty. He was married to my Aunt Brenda for 7 years before she realized that he was gray. He dyed it that well. My sister Jerusha’s (she is four years older then me) colorist told her that she was around 20-30% grey. That was around a year a go so it could be a higher percentage now. My own mother did not start to go gray until her forty’s. On my father side my Uncle Clair has always been very salt and pepper. His hair is snowy white now but supper thick. Below are photo examples.

My Grandma Fisher. Natural hair color people in her 70's. Very few people get that lucky. My sister Mariah might. Her hair is the same color as my Grandma's.

Uncle Darr. Over thrity years of gray. He has let it be natural for the last few years.

My mother. She gets in colored every 4 months. She is older then my uncle and is 54. Not to shabby

Sister Jerusha. This photo shows her hair the best. He colorist dose a really nice job. Jocelyn is playing with her hair.

So this much gray hair by 27 makes me worry that I’m going to be grey early in life. I might need to spend a lot of money on hair coloring to make me stay looking young. (I am really shallow about this, deal with it.) I feel like I got the shaft when it comes to the gray hair gentics in my family.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Theral had a really bad Saturday.

First off we woke up late. This meant we were pressed for time to get to Snowbasin. Theral could not find his cut off thermals. He search high and low and they did not show up. So he ended up wearing shorts. We get into the car and get less then four blocks from the house and we get pulled over. As the cop is coming up to the car, Theral informs me that he doesn’t have his driver license. Theral was speeding and going 40 in a 25. The cop gives him a ticket and off we went. Oh ya, that kinda made us a little late.

So today he is visiting the traffic Judge to take care of the ticket. It was his first ticket since he was 16. Up until he meet me I think Theral had a virtuous driving record. He has had a few accidents and a ticket since we got married. This June would have been a three year mark that took one of claims off his record. Let’s see how the ticket affects the car insurance.

Saturday wasn’t the best day for him. He is working on riding switch and wasn’t snowboarding as well as he would have liked. On a side note, I taught all day and only got one run in. I didn’t like the snow conditions.

We then went to Salt Lake to pick up a package from REI. I ordered a coat that I think (pretty certain) that I’m going to be sending it back. I needed to go to Costco and get some items. I saw one in Salt Lake that we drove by on our way to REI. To make a long story short. Theral and I got into a fight because we didn’t find it soon enough. I was keeping my mouth shut so we did get into a fight and Theral read my body language as me getting mad and upset. He stopped the car a block from Costco and tried to get me to drive. When he got out of the car, I lock the doors. I wasn’t going to drive. As we pull into Costco, I told him that I didn’t want to go in. He then continues to pull up to the doors to drop me off and gets the debit card from his pants and throws it at me. I told him that I wasn’t going in. He pulls up to the gas pumps. He throws the keys at me and gets out of the vehicle to pump gas. When he is done he throws the debit card, membership card and recite at me. Gets his stuff from the back seat and puts it into the trunk and then gets into the back seat. I get into the driver seat. Theral and I said a few words. I expressed why I thought he had gotten mad and he just yelled back at me. So in driving back to Logan, I was mad. I stopped at the Costco in Bountiful and threw the keys at him in the back seat and got out and went into the store all without saying a word. So shopping while you are mad is not a go idea. You rationalize certain purchase other wise you would never buy. In the checkout line I took around 60 to 80 dollars out of my shopping cart. As I’m leaving the store I see Theral coming from the bathroom.

I tell him hello and head to the car. We get the car loaded and I try to get onto the free way. After two failed attempts I decided that I was going to go eat at Pei Wei. As we are in line to order are food, Theral apologizes. I apologize and everything was good. Sorry that was a really long story. So Saturday was not Theral’s day. It helps to vent about it and to ponder on how I could have handle the fight better. (Probablly shouldn't have locked him out of the car.)

This week so far two of Theral's night class have been canceled. He is pretty stoked. It snowed a lot today in Logan. The weather service predicted 1 to 3 inches and we got 6 to 8 inches.

I talked with my boss and there is slight chance that I might get to go Iraq or Jordan for work. This is around five months out and it is a very slight chance. But I’m a little bit excited about it.

I did homework last night for my math class. I also had a quiz due today as well. I can do the math but it takes me a little bit to figure out how to do the problems. It has been a while since I have taken a math class. But I’m loving it. I’m learning so much.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Let’s talk about lengths of Family Reunions

My friend Monica called me and explained/complained to me that her family reunion this summer was going to be on a Monday and in Idaho. She was all worked up because First off, they are not from Idaho, and secondly family reunions should be on the weekends and not on Mondays which in my opion is the gospel. It is at Lava Hot springs in Idaho which is a fun place during the summer. They have a water slide and you can float down the river that is by it. She has to work during the week and to take work off to travel to Idaho from Arizona would be difficult for just a Monday. As a side not she is child 6 of 9. I did agree with her that Monday did seem like a very awkward day.

I then inform her about Theral’s family reunion that will happen in July as well. We got the call to tell us the dates. Normally it is a Wednesday through Saturday affair. I was hoping to only have to take two days off for it. I would work the fourth of July and switch it for one of the three days during the week. It is July 7 through the 11 and in Nauvoo, Illinois. So clearly, I can’t just take two days off.

As a side note, I love to go and do week long vacations. It is the most enjoyable thing in the whole world. This coming summer I already have big plans for some river trips, backpacking trips, and trips to the ocean. And just maybe the middle of Idaho for some flat water trips. So vacations days in my world are highly precious and to be used carefully. I do get more then most people with vacation days and that is one of the reasons that I took the job that I have.

So, if I used Monica’s logic for Theral’s family reunion, this is what the complaints would be. First, it is during the week and it is not just a Monday but a straight Monday through Friday affair. More time should be taken off for the traveling back factor. Taking that many days off might be problematic for a lot of people. Side note Theral is the 7 of 9 child. Second, it is in Nauvoo. They aren’t from Illinois. Granted they have had ancestor that did live and travel through the region, same for my side of the family as well. Why are we going to Illinois?

So out of the two Reunions, I would rather go to Monica’s. It is one day and at a hot springs resort. Theral did tell me I didn’t have to go. I’m still trying to work on a compromise. He is a teacher and has his whole summer off and so it is not a big deal for him.

Maybe for the next family reunion it could be only one day and at the Lava Hot springs resorts as well in Idaho. Theral’s family is from Idaho. One can only hope and dream.

Theral is a joker………….

This is a view of Logan Canyon from the Engineering building on the USU campus. Looks Gorgeous.

Theral crashed and opened some skin. So as it has healed it had developed a rather large scab. This is the main key to the story. I got home yesterday and Theral asked me if I wanted a cornflake that he had found. I told him no that I didn’t want it. In my mind I suspected that he gotten it off the floor or from some bizarre place. He asked me again if I wanted a cornflake and showed me it this time. I told him no again. He then informs me that it was his large scab that he was trying to get me to eat. I have the best husband in the whole world who tries to feed me from his own body. (I found this really gross and hit him, he just laughed and laughed at my reaction.)

So last week nothing to exciting happen to us. We didn’t go skiing on Saturday because I was not feeling well. But we did get the house cleaned. It is really nice to have a clean house. Theral pitched in and was a huge help.

Monday and Tuesday of the week passed rather uneventful. Wednesday, I went to the water initiative seminar on campus. It was about economics and in stream flow for fish populations. It was a really good lecture.

Thursday I taught at Snowbasin. In the afternoon I skied with Jim the whole time. I enjoy skiing with him because he goes hard and he pushed me.

Today, Friday, Theral got a snow day and didn’t have to go to work. We got around 12 inches of snow on the back patio. It is the most snow that I have ever seen here. So he is off skiing today. I should have gone with him but I needed to work. I was going to take a sick day and go. I love skiing. But tomorrow I will go skiing and it should be a good time.

Theral is piling all the snow into a huge drift. He is hoping to get enough that he can make a snow cave and sleep out in it. If that happens I am for sure going to document that event.