Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Theral had a really bad Saturday.

First off we woke up late. This meant we were pressed for time to get to Snowbasin. Theral could not find his cut off thermals. He search high and low and they did not show up. So he ended up wearing shorts. We get into the car and get less then four blocks from the house and we get pulled over. As the cop is coming up to the car, Theral informs me that he doesn’t have his driver license. Theral was speeding and going 40 in a 25. The cop gives him a ticket and off we went. Oh ya, that kinda made us a little late.

So today he is visiting the traffic Judge to take care of the ticket. It was his first ticket since he was 16. Up until he meet me I think Theral had a virtuous driving record. He has had a few accidents and a ticket since we got married. This June would have been a three year mark that took one of claims off his record. Let’s see how the ticket affects the car insurance.

Saturday wasn’t the best day for him. He is working on riding switch and wasn’t snowboarding as well as he would have liked. On a side note, I taught all day and only got one run in. I didn’t like the snow conditions.

We then went to Salt Lake to pick up a package from REI. I ordered a coat that I think (pretty certain) that I’m going to be sending it back. I needed to go to Costco and get some items. I saw one in Salt Lake that we drove by on our way to REI. To make a long story short. Theral and I got into a fight because we didn’t find it soon enough. I was keeping my mouth shut so we did get into a fight and Theral read my body language as me getting mad and upset. He stopped the car a block from Costco and tried to get me to drive. When he got out of the car, I lock the doors. I wasn’t going to drive. As we pull into Costco, I told him that I didn’t want to go in. He then continues to pull up to the doors to drop me off and gets the debit card from his pants and throws it at me. I told him that I wasn’t going in. He pulls up to the gas pumps. He throws the keys at me and gets out of the vehicle to pump gas. When he is done he throws the debit card, membership card and recite at me. Gets his stuff from the back seat and puts it into the trunk and then gets into the back seat. I get into the driver seat. Theral and I said a few words. I expressed why I thought he had gotten mad and he just yelled back at me. So in driving back to Logan, I was mad. I stopped at the Costco in Bountiful and threw the keys at him in the back seat and got out and went into the store all without saying a word. So shopping while you are mad is not a go idea. You rationalize certain purchase other wise you would never buy. In the checkout line I took around 60 to 80 dollars out of my shopping cart. As I’m leaving the store I see Theral coming from the bathroom.

I tell him hello and head to the car. We get the car loaded and I try to get onto the free way. After two failed attempts I decided that I was going to go eat at Pei Wei. As we are in line to order are food, Theral apologizes. I apologize and everything was good. Sorry that was a really long story. So Saturday was not Theral’s day. It helps to vent about it and to ponder on how I could have handle the fight better. (Probablly shouldn't have locked him out of the car.)

This week so far two of Theral's night class have been canceled. He is pretty stoked. It snowed a lot today in Logan. The weather service predicted 1 to 3 inches and we got 6 to 8 inches.

I talked with my boss and there is slight chance that I might get to go Iraq or Jordan for work. This is around five months out and it is a very slight chance. But I’m a little bit excited about it.

I did homework last night for my math class. I also had a quiz due today as well. I can do the math but it takes me a little bit to figure out how to do the problems. It has been a while since I have taken a math class. But I’m loving it. I’m learning so much.

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