I think that the cops in Logan are watching the area where we live a lot more. The intersection that he got the ticket at we have seen numerous people blow through it. So we just need to drive really good in the neighbor hood. On a side note, I think that Theral is going to fight the ticket. Two reasons, one Theral really did thought that he had stopped, and two His friend who is a part time police cop said that running a stop sign are the hardest tickets to prove. To quote my father, “Do you have any idea what this is going to do to my insurance?”
Moving on to other things. Theral got a snow day on Thursday. This means he didn’t have to go to work. He spent Valentines day doing what ever I wanted him to do………. He is a sweet heart.
Theral’s new ski boots showed up Thursday as well. His feet got a little numb skiing in them on Saturday. So we are trying to determine if we need to take them in after he wears them a little to get a better fit to his foot for him. I need new boots but that will be next year.
So I need to talk about ageing. The other day I had my hair pulled up into a bun. I thought it looked really cute. During a potty break at work I looked into the one mirror. Low and behold I saw a site that put the fear of god in me. A family of gray hair on my right temple.
To really understand why I might be worried about this you need to understand a few things about my genetics. My Grandma Fisher is in her 70’s and doses not dye her hair. She has gray hair but the color blends it in together really well. Theral didn't realize it was natural until I told him. My mother’s brother Darr was gray by twenty. He was married to my Aunt Brenda for 7 years before she realized that he was gray. He dyed it that well. My sister Jerusha’s (she is four years older then me) colorist told her that she was around 20-30% grey. That was around a year a go so it could be a higher percentage now. My own mother did not start to go gray until her forty’s. On my father side my Uncle Clair has always been very salt and pepper. His hair is snowy white now but supper thick. Below are photo examples.
My Grandma Fisher. Natural hair color people in her 70's. Very few people get that lucky. My sister Mariah might. Her hair is the same color as my Grandma's.
Uncle Darr. Over thrity years of gray. He has let it be natural for the last few years.
My mother. She gets in colored every 4 months. She is older then my uncle and is 54. Not to shabby
Sister Jerusha. This photo shows her hair the best. He colorist dose a really nice job. Jocelyn is playing with her hair.
So this much gray hair by 27 makes me worry that I’m going to be grey early in life. I might need to spend a lot of money on hair coloring to make me stay looking young. (I am really shallow about this, deal with it.) I feel like I got the shaft when it comes to the gray hair gentics in my family.
So this much gray hair by 27 makes me worry that I’m going to be grey early in life. I might need to spend a lot of money on hair coloring to make me stay looking young. (I am really shallow about this, deal with it.) I feel like I got the shaft when it comes to the gray hair gentics in my family.
1 comment:
By some odd coincidence I think I know someone you are related to. I used to know a guy named Swen Mikesell back in Boulder Colorado. I just created my own blog on here by the request of my friend, and then I began to just page through some others and read, and happened upon yours. I recognized your husbands first name, as it is not very common. I read on, and low and behold, he looks just like I remember Swen looking! And then I found that you mentioned a Swen in your blog. I would love to say hi to him. All the family names are the same, so I am pretty sure it is the same Swen! He would have known me as Diana Holyoak. Tell him I said hi and hope he is doing well. Thanks!
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