Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This is the most exiting post ever........ maybe

It is a miracle. Theral didn’t get pulled over by a cop last Saturday. I did ask him if I needed to drive to break the hoax. He said no and keep driving.

School is keeping Theral busy. He had a few papers that he needed to do last week. I on the other hand had a test. It really got my heart rate pumping. But I’m ok and it went well. I do have homework that is due Friday and Monday. I think that I’m going to have a go at it tonight. And Friday I have a pampered chef party at a friends house. So a few things are going on.

First, the garage door opener had a big boom and is not working. Theral worked on it and we need a new part. He has yet to order it. I might need to do that because as we were discussing options he asked how soon I would like it fixed. I said a twenty dollar part is better then buying a new one opener. So I can wait. I hope that this doesn’t turn into a 6 months venture. I’m already getting sick of opening the garage door.

We put permits into some rivers and guess what………….Neither one of us got a date. So I’m thinking we might hit the Middle Fork a few days before permits season starts. Snowpack for the basin is looking lean, very similar to last year. On the upside is that the Main Salmon looks like it is going to get hard and heavy. So we might not be able to hit that one until flows lower which means that we need to call and get a cancellation. So if you would like to come, keep the calendar flexible. If we do the Middle Fork when I’m thinking we will do it, would be the last week of May, as soon as Theral gets done with school. If I get a permit I will post and let the bidding begin. Who wouldn’t want to spend a week on the river with Theral and me….. We are fun, I promise.

We are also looking at buying a smaller raft. The raft we have is 16 ft long. The raft we are looking at is 14’ long and comes with a trailer. The trailer might be a problem for storage but we have come up with some practical and some very impractical locations for storage. It is smaller, which means that I should be able to man handle it. If not, I guess I will have to start doing more push ups to build the ultimate upper body strength.

My boss is in Washington, DC this week. He is back for two weeks. (Part of one he is in St. George) Then he jets again to West Bank and Gaza strip for two and a half weeks before he will get back in April. Work is going ok, getting a little worried that he is going to be gone again. I need to get some meetings set up and get some things figured out. I guess I get to do them on my own.

I’m staring to watch LOST. I got season one disc one from the video store and I’m going to get caught up. I figure that it is going to take me a few months if I watch one disc per week but by the time the nest season comes out I should be caught up. This is an in genius plan it you ask me.

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